===== SSH ===== Das Paket Termux bekommt man z.B. im F-droid Store: https://f-droid.org/de/packages/com.termux/ ===Using Termux === Termux brings a whole lot of Linux command line utilities to Android, including rsync and openssh. You can set up an SSH server on your Android device, then use rsync over SSH, provided both your PC and your Android device are on the same WLAN connection. The Termux Wiki clearly explains the steps required to set up SSH and use rsync. To sum up: Set up Termux Install Termux Grant Termux filesystem access (Storage permission) from Android settings oder in der Termux Konsole mit: Open Termux termux-setup-storage Set up a password $ passwd New password: Retype new password: New password was successfully set. Update the list of packages $ apt update Optionally, upgrade the existing packages as well (this solved a compatibility issue in my case) $ apt upgrade Set up openssh Install openssh $ apt install openssh Start the ssh daemon $ sshd It listens on port 8022 by default. To get started, all you need is: Your username on Termux $ whoami u0_a223 The IP address of the Android device $ ip -4 a | grep wlan0 | tail -1 inet brd scope global wlan0 which, in this case, is Am besten noch den öffentlichen SSH Schlüssel unter ~/.ssh ablegen und den Schlüssel zur authorized_keys hinzufügen: cat ~/.ssh/id_sha.pub >> ~/authorized_keys ==== rsync ==== Zunächst muss das ''rsync'' Paket installiert werden: apt install rsync Auf dem PC kann man nun den ''rsync'' Kommando nutzen um vom Phone alles was einem wichtig ist zu sichern: rsync -aue 'ssh -p 8022' --delete --delete-excluded --exclude=Android/obb/ --exclude=Android/data/ --progress u0_a151@phone1:/data/data/com.termux/files/home/storage/shared/ /srv/nfs/USBDisk/Handy/$(date +%Y%m) When prompted for a password, enter the one you set earlier.