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Mit pip Pakete suchen über einen Proxy

sudo -s pip3 search gmp --proxy

Python Pakete mit Pip nachinstallieren

Zunächst muss der Proxy für pip überwunden werden:

FIXME With Ubuntu I could not get the proxy option to work as advertised – so following command did not work:

sudo pip --proxy install somepackage

But exporting the https_proxy environment variable (note its https_proxy not http_proxy) did the trick:

export https_proxy=

oder wenn ein spezieller Port verwendet wird:

export https_proxy=

anschließend pip nutzen:

sudo -E pip install somepackage

oder falls eine Authentifizierung benötigt wird:

pip --proxy search graphite-web

same here, –proxy did not work, I had to specify BOTH http_proxy AND https_proxy (Debian behind a corp firewall)

pip install carbon --proxy http://user:geheim@

Update pip

-U, --upgrade
              Upgrade  all  packages to the newest available version.  This process is recursive regardless
              of whether a dependency is already satisfied.
pip --upgrade --proxy http://user:geheim@

Package Check

check                 Verify installed packages have compatible dependencies.

für OpenVAS check

haferron@doom2018:~/git_src/Icinga_Plugin_Sammlung> ./ Traceback (most recent call last):

File "./", line 37, in <module>
  from gmp.gvm_connection import (SSHConnection,

ImportError: No module named 'gmp'

wiki/monitoring.1550587518.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/02/19 15:45 von techguru